1 min read

Coming soon

This is Oneiros, a brand-new site by Ivan Bjelajac that's just getting started.
Coming soon

For those suprised with the name, Oneiros is a blog and newsletter done by Ivan Bjelajac, or as I will call myself for the rest of this blog - me.

Here at Oneiros, we will discuss the future that blends our lives with dreams and technology while thinking about the future of business and everyday life.

💻This is truly a techy person's blog. This blog will be co-authored with Chat-GPT and Lexica art (using Stable Diffusion).

I have noticed a problematic pattern with writing a newsletter that covers several topics simultaneously and with no end in sight so I will try to make Oneiros into something a little bit different.

🎬Something you can read as you would watch a Netflix show.

Everything will be divided into Seasons - or as we will call them - Chapters with each yearly quarter constituting one Chapter and covering a specific subject.

🎤As three months amount to 13 weeks, I will always be trying to wrap things up in 12 newsletter posts with a quarterly podcast that will feature guests who will be discussing the topic of the chapter with me.

This way, we can use the chapters to dive deep into certain topics, and we can use the follow-up podcast episodes to challenge the ideas mentioned in the chapters and discuss them from different angles and in more depth.

🚀I am a big fan of long-form formats where you can discuss different points of view and go deep into certain subjects, so I believe this blend will make it an interesting watch.

🤝You can subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!